Dorfde's cool website of awesome

I am very good at html :)

WOAAAAAAH this is a webpage if I've ever seen one! Quite the view indeed.
Now I'm going to write down nonsense like boogly oogly boo
and wrinkle dinkle finkle fankle
and bing bang bingy bang
and maybe possibly just maybe even the number 8 for no reason what so ever.

Facinating i know.


That was a link! And so is this!Wow! The wonders of html!

Here's some more random bullshit I felt like putting in here cuz idk i kinda felt like it.


And another one!!!!!1!111!!1!

He's saying shit like "HEY LOOK! STIFF COCKS!". That's something I would say! I think. I don't know anymore I'm too tired for this in all homesty it's like 2 am and I'm dicking around in html after not touching it for god knows how long. And the little knowledge I had about it vanished. My memory shocks me on a day to day basis.

Things I like and you don't because I said so :(

Ok I'm gonna go back to bed now and think about guy paws or something idk what I think about ever
Not sure why I'm writing this like its a diary but uhhh yeah.
Oh yeah by the way, I know it's a shill but imma share some of my links and stuff now. I see people actually visit this site for some reason which deeply worries, concerns and confuses me. Like at the time of writing this the site has 210 views which is like really weird to me.

But yeah here are some links...

Also here's my button if you wanna share this piece a shit site to your friends or something idk

Anyway yeah thats it, begone now...